My friends sometimes make fun of me because when I'm interested in something, I dive right in. They call it phases. But I wouldn't call it that. It's more intense in the beginning, but I stick with it. I only talk about it more in the beginning when I'm learning and discovering something new because I'm so excited. Minimalism, plastic-free living, zero waste, wool clothing, natural food, ... I'm also excited about how it all fits together. I have tried several times, at different stages, to eat plastic-free and healthy. I often bake my own bread and can make three different spreads. We have a Solawi share, which has greatly improved our vegetable variety (now I even know how to make fennel and cabbage tasty! Unimaginable for me before and proof that you can change your mind). But in trying to eat more vegan lately, I've tried different meat substitutes - which weren't really natural. A book on ultra-processed foods made me more aware of nutrition and ingredient lists. I've tried it and now I've banned all emulsifiers, preservatives and stabilizers from the kitchen! (You see, I tend to experiment without compromise.) But it works. It's not that difficult. (At least in Europe it´s possible.) Often, it's as simple as switching to organic or using fresh instead of shelf-stable. And I even found two companies that make chocolate without emulsifiers! So lately I've been reading more ingredient lists and shopping has taken longer. But I think it's a good investment.  Once you've found the right products, you'll be able to shop faster the next time. In any case, my gut feels better. It's important what we put into our bodies. I don't like artificial things anymore. The change is happening faster than I expected. (Giving up sweets would definitely be harder for me than giving up synthetic additives!). Our plastic waste also decreased as a result. No more packaged cream cheese because of the thickeners. No more wrapped toast (lots of synthetics in there) but fresh bread from the bakery. Adjustments are intense, but you learn so much. It's good to leave out things that don't work for you. This can also be very individual and does not have to mean the same thing for everyone. It can even change depending on what stage of life or insight you are in. Some things you just have to try. Barefoot shoes in the woods, cushioned shoes on the street. Sleeping without a pillow, reading with a pillow. Don't eating meat at all. Eating chicken again sometimes. Learning how to make fresh cheese from yoghurt. And how to grow plant cuttings. Finding joy in such things. Making meaningful gifts. Developing new routines. It doesn't always have to be the way I've always done it. Not even in my church. Not even in my Christian life. Sometimes I'm too serious. I want to do everything right and get the job done. In the process, I may lose the joy. And I don't want that! I don't want to work doggedly. Especially when I'm a freelancer and my own boss! I want to discover life playfully. I want to have fun with creativity. Try things out and reinvent myself. Don't want to put myself in a box! I can dance around the living room and look at the clouds. Play with food and ideas. Every day is an adventure and sometimes I just need to get a different perspective and embrace surprises. I don't have to hold on to everything I've accumulated. Neither in possessions nor in routines or prejudices. It is also good to attend a completely different church once in a while. To learn from orthodox and charismatic people. God is so much bigger than my evangelical background. But even there are different phases. First, you focus on the essentials, the basics. Then you get to know other points of view as well. Reading the Bible is never boring. (If it does, I'll change the language or the translation.) The same verse can speak to me differently every day. God's Word is really a living thing. Like a mustard seed that grows in me and becomes God's kingdom. (Unless I use God's Word like a legalistic Pharisee. Then it's more like dead letters). I want to dance with God through life, play reverently with His Word, marvel and grow. God's Word is living water and nourishing bread. Not fast food with preservatives that paralyse the mind. God's Word is good for me. Because it's real food. And it really fills my soul.


a new plant offshoot and a well-fed cat in the background
a new plant offshoot and a well-fed cat in the background


"Don´t waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for the food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life, food the Son of Man provides. He and what he does are guaranteed by God the Father to last. 

I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever."

John 6:27 + 35