I'm drinking a cup of motivation boost right now (that's really what the tea is called). Tastes good! Although I am motivated to write, it´s sometimes hard for me to get started or to move from one task to the next. I'm in the process of writing a new children's novel at the moment, and I'm currently also doing the "Mins Game", a decluttering challenge where you sort out more and more things each day of the month and tick off the number on a list. I like lists and challenges, so this works great for me. Now I'm in a real reduction mode - right now in the kitchen - and I can hardly stop myself to sit down! There's still a lot that can go! Especially bottles, vases and containers. It's so nice when a cabinet becomes clearer! I would like to continue until it´s almost empty and I can simply put the remainings on a narrow shelf. A kitchen without any upper cabinets would be much nicer anyway. But that´s a big challenge if you have a small kitchen!

Learning Portuguese is also a challenge I have chosen. It's a good thing there´s a test soon, then I'll have to study! Challenges are good for us. Otherwise, everything would remain as it has always been. Or even get worse. It is good to look for challenges that make us grow, also spiritually. Participating on a mission trip would also be a great challenge. Not only when you're young. One woman from our church is already over 80 and still participates in mission assignments! We could accept the challenge, whether here or far away. Approaching people, meeting new people. Going to prayer meetings even if it´s cozy staying at home. It's good to take on such challenges.

I recently read an inspiring interview with a mountain rescuer from our neighboring town in the online news. His motto really touched me: "Our job is not to judge people, but to get them safely off the mountain."

How often do locals/mountain professionals make fun of tourists who go up the mountain in poor equipment and without practice or preparation, and then get into distress and need to be rescued. They often have themselves to blame for their misery. And the mountain rescuers then have to search for them and bring them down safely.

This fits so well with our role as Christians. People often have themselves to blame for their misfortune. But our task is not to judge people, but to bring them safely to the Father. To show them the way home. Where there is help, salvation, healing and forgiveness. We can reach out to people, provide first aid, listen, offer tea, and not judge them, but simply help, pray for them, and bring them home. Maybe they'll go away again and get themselves into trouble again. And maybe God will send us out again to help. And that´s what we do, because it is our job to love, not to judge. A real challenge! In a way, we are also mountain rescuers.

... And maybe one day we ourselves are the ones who get ourselves into trouble and then we are happy when help is on the way without judgment.



So let´s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good.

At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don´t give up, or quit.

Galatians 6:9


The challenge of improving the kitchen: We have already reduced this corner in our kitchen :)
The challenge of improving the kitchen: We have already reduced this corner in our kitchen :)