My husband and I did our annual review recently. So many good things happened last year! But there was also a lot of heavy stuff going on. When you go through calendars and diaries, you see how much really happens in  one year!

I am so grateful for the success of my books for example:

"Luna and Lucy" is in its second edition ("reissue of the successful title" it says in my publisher´s catalogue, where it got a whole page!).

"Fanny and Leo" has also received very good reviews online and from book bloggers.

And Volume 3, "Maya and Finn," will be released in September this year!

In the last three years, a children's novel of mine has been published every year. God is so good!

Our grown up children experience and plan adventures with God around the world. And it's so exciting and encouraging to watch them find their own way! I am also eternally grateful for people who support and encourage them in this: youth workers, missionaries, friends. Our kids work for God's kingdom and shine confidently, strong in God's love. People entrust them with responsibility and believe in them. God entrusts them with doing his work.

And he does the same with us. We, who are older and carry negative experiences from the past with us: I notice how God challenges me again and again and trusts me to do His work. I am still able to grow up more and more and take the challenge of taking more responsibility. I make a difference! My kindness and presence, my words and my actions have more impact and power than I often think. I'm not unimportant. None of us is! Why do we often think so? When we are joined with Jesus, fruit will appear. But I want to focus on Jesus and not on the fruit. The sap of life, the strength, the love come from him. Apart from him, we can't do anything.

In addition to the positive things, we also reviewed the hard times: Our church almost broke to pieces and is now struggling to get back on its feet. Many brothers and sisters have left. We sometimes feel abandoned. Why did this happen? How could this have been prevented? Afterwards you are often wiser, but some things remain hidden. But God knows every heart. We pray for mercy and take it one step at a time.

And what will the new year bring? We took time to take a sneakpeak at 2024:  The kids will make many exciting decisions and will walk new ways, as is the case as a young adult. For me, it's probably time to just continue my way. To carry out my duties faithfully. To grow into the depths. To be present. Nevertheless, I am curious to see what the new year will bring for me as well. What will I learn and experience this year? God is with me no matter what and nothing can separate me from Him! I remain a branch on his vine. And the fruit is not my task, but only a consequence of my "remaining in Him". This is so relaxing! God doesn't put pressure on me to be productive! I'm just supposed to stay close to him. Embrace his love and be filled with it. Then there will also be fruit in 2024 that I can look forward to. And then I will also experience security in 2024 when difficult things happen and waves crush in.


Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. 

Psalm 23:6