Since the kids are older, I enjoy the Christmas season more. Wait, that's not true. Yes, I no longer have to go to parent-teacher conferences, school parties and audition evenings, nor do I have to organize two children's birthday parties before Christmas. And I no longer need to find as many gifts. But I think my attitude towards Christmas and consumption in general has changed and I would do a lot of things differently today, even with small kids. And think I could enjoy it more. Less treasure hunts in shopping malls and more forest expeditions.

It actually all started with decluttering. The Challenge of Minimalism: What Do We Really Need? What can go? And then you don't just get more space in your apartment. But also in your head and heart. All of a sudden, there's more time.

I don't have to find the perfect gift for everyone. At the best price. (That I really tried!) I have so much more energy and joy when I go out into the woods every day. The best way to do this is with my toboggan. Afterwards I sometimes even feel like baking cookies. And the next day I have more energy for writing and in general. It's true, less consumption makes a hole first. But then you slowly get into a quieter life with simple activities that are fun. When you've decluttered a lot, you don't want to buy much anymore. And when it comes to gift-giving, experiences are so much more enjoyable than things. A gift card for a pottery course. A visit to the concert. I really only want to give material things when that's exactly what is needed. So I don't have to rack my brains so much anymore. I have less stress. And start to experience Advent like a kid again. Watching snowflakes fall from the sky. Listening to the sound of snow. How nice it crunches when you walk through the forest. Shouting with joy when the toboggan accelerates. Listening to Christmas music while drinking chai and looking into a candle flame. (I don't need any more multitasking!) Watching people, I love.

I think I used to be terribly consumerist. And the less money we had, the more. Now I could buy more, but I don't want to. Will I be able to achieve this change of heart with social media as well? I'm still consuming too much. This takes up time in which I could actually read. We all have different time and joy predators. Things that captivate and distract us. We might lose sight of the essentials because of all the beautiful things. We compare and desire and prepare. And Jesus is buried under all the splendors.

One antidote is gratitude. And pause. And enjoyment. Just get out of the hustle and bustle. Christmas is coming even without my help. Because celebrating Christmas is a confession: I need a savior. And He really is coming!



What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself?

What could you ever trade your soul for?

Matthew 16:26


What would Christmas be like without consumption?