The world has never been as unreliable as it is today. At least that's how it seems to me. Sometimes I don´t even want to open the News app anymore. Who knows which new catastrophe happened? This is how I felt last week after fighter jets flew over our house in the early hours of the morning. Wars frighten me. There have always been wars, but the wars in Ukraine and Israel concern me more than, for example, the war in Syria. Although every war brings equal suffering. But these wars also make my world more unsafe. In addition to the collective trauma after the pandemic, the shortages of goods and inflation. And above all, the climate crisis. What kind of age did I suddenly end up in? How does all this fit into God's plan? Where can I change things and where do I have to put up with it? Where do I dull myself? Where do I look and where do I cover my eyes? I can't live permanently in crisis and fear mode. I don't want to. I want to trust God. Be cheerful, even when all is not well. Nevertheless. But I also don't want to bury my head in the sand and pretend that everything is just fine and that this is normal as the world is now. That Jews are insulted and persisted. They can no longer feel safe anywhere, even if Europe and America are behind them in general. That people are speeding down the highway in SUVs as if it doesn't matter how fast you go. (The nitrogen oxide and particulate matter pollution is almost twice as high at 80 mph as at 60 mph). That a young friend of us is constantly checked by the police, just because his dad is Persian and he looks foreign. Things like that annoy me. But what can I do? I pray. I'm a role model and drive slowly by car, even when everyone else is overtaking me (taking the train would even be better, I know). I'm talking about those things. I'm especially nice to people who look foreign. Although I too often have prejudices. Although I know all the evil, the selfishness, the greed and the pride. The evil of the world is not just outside.

We need salvation.  We can't do it alone.

We seem to ruin everything.

I don't manage to live zero waste, my footprint is definitely larger than the consumption of one earth.

So give up? Capitulate? Live as if nothing matters? Certainly not. It's the little things that count, I am still convinced of that. Although it's not enough, it's my contribution. God must take care of the rest. And he has a plan. I don't know exactly how he'll implement it. But I'm glad I'm on the right side. In his team. Out of grace, not because I deserve it. God will make everything good. I am convinced of that. He didn't say anything about it that it wouldn't be scary as well.

I can't change anyone but myself. In heaven we will all be vegetarians. And peaceful. How it is now is simply not the ideal situation. To put it mildly.

I still want to believe. Still want to hope. Still be cheerful.

Because I can't live any other way.



For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces,

My love won´t walk away from you,

my covenant of peace won´t fall apart.

The God who has compassion on you says so. 

Isaiah 54:10