Our church is in a crisis. People come and go, difficulties come and go, ideologies come and go. What used to be frowned upon is now normal and important. Women who preach? Check. Women who lead? Check. Men who show emotions and take care of their children? Check. Society is evolving. We are evolving. The church is evolving. But God is always the same! He does not need to develop, improve and adapt. He is always perfect. His grace and love are always the same, always there. His mercy never fails.

I am sometimes amazed at my own growth. Not because I'm so cool, but because I see how far I've come. How far it was to get here. And who knows what else is possible? How big is the world? How big and stretchy is my heart? How great is God?

How many times have I been wrong? Have I seen things too black and white? I want to remain shapeable for God. Be open to His Holy Spirit. He's always been great and good. But I only ever see a part of him and everything. 20 years ago, I saw things differently. And I'm glad I'm older now. And excited to see what else there is to learn! I want to stay flexible and grow. Take my time and space. And give it to others too. I want to meet people with grace and respect, even if they think differently than I do. Everyone has their own way and history. I want give people space to find their way.

I recently read an odd novel, but I remember a good passage that goes something like this: "Do you know the most important qualities of a leader? It´s tolerance and humor. Tolerance for the mistakes of others. Humor for one's own mistakes."

I think that´s a good advice for everyone. Even when making music together in church service, as I whispered this to my eleven-year-old friend last time: You need tolerance for the mistakes of others (your sister at the piano) and humor for your own mistakes. Then music and worship are fun! That's when church is fun.

Yes, there are still plenty of splinters in the eyes of others. I see them surprisingly well. But my own beam is there too. Can someone help me with my beam in front of my eyes or at least saw it off a bit so that I don't run into doors everywhere? Haha.

God's mercy is like a protective blanket, a protective embrace. He cuddles us all on his lap and sometimes the elbow of one of our siblings or a stinky foot in the face annoys us. But we ourselves are no better. We sweat and fart and smell from our mouths. We are human beings. God's beloved children. Everyone valuable and loved. Each a handful and ingenious. God's love for us is astonishing. Just like his patience and loyalty.

Our church is a colorful bunch. But as long as God is our daddy....

Community has its advantages and disadvantages. It doesn't matter if it's marriage, family or church. Deep joy, deep hurts. A lot of potential in both directions. But I want to dare to love, even if I can get hurt. Because Jesus stands so firmly and truly behind me that nothing can happen to me. Because only His opinion really counts. Because he's proud of my progress, winks at me and kisses my forehead. I was nervous before my last sermon. God then asked me why. Was I afraid of embarrassing myself? Or him? And that was clear for me: I want to honor him and not embarrass him. Embarrassing myself wouldn't be that bad, but the king of the universe...! And then he winked at me, kissed me on the forehead and said thank you.



Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. 

Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love.

Oserve how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant.

He didn´t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us.

Love like that. 

Ephesians 5:1 (MB)