Why do we often make the same mistakes over and over again? I have a problem with my cervical spine and I know that I must not tense my neck muscles. Neither while lifting any weight, nor while cycling, and especially not while doing work outs. Otherwise, I'll have a bad headache the next day. Just like this morning.

Every time I think: "This little bit will be ok!" No, it´s not.

It would be easier if I felt the consequences immediately, not only hours later.

I then have to rest and wait for several hours till I´m back to normal. I sit in my favorite chair, rest my head and my arms, close my eyes, and try to relax. And I pray. Because what else do you do on a fresh morning with your eyes closed? Worrying would be an option, but no help at all. Giving up my worries to Jesus takes the weight off my shoulders. And a hot spelt pillow also helps me to relax. I´m trading my worries for a spelt pillow. And then I imagine that I drink a lot of good water directly from Jesus, from the spring. And then I also get myself real mountain spring water from our tap. Tthen I imagine Jesus being the bread of life and I get to eat it. And it tastes so good and does as good as medicine. And I may eat some granola and try a pain reliever. And then I imagine the Holy Spirit pouring His love into my heart until my heart is full and overflowing again. And then I can write a tiny blog post, even though my head hurts.

God is here and he does me good. Even in difficult times and while suffering from our own stupidity or from someone else's. It will get better again. We need patience and compassion.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't take it so hard. Jesus can feed 5000 people, he can also cope with our present need.

And now I´ll go back to my chair again and close my eyes for a little while longer.



I´ve kept my feet on the ground,

I´ve cultivated a quiet heart.

Like a baby content in it´s mother´s arms,

my soul is a baby content.

Wait, Israel, for God. Wait with hope.

Hope now; hope always!

Psalm 131: 2-3