I am sometimes annoyed by others, who have the same weaknesses as me. People who are overcommitted, who like to be the center of attention, who don't let others talk because their own thoughts are so urgent...

What is new is that God has placed it on my heart to love such people especially.

Because then I can love and accept myself better.

Who if not me could understand such behavior? I know what it's like when you want to do everything right and try so hard that it's exhausting for everyone. Actually, the others just want you to relax and be a little calmer. Listen. Slow down. But that's exactly what one can't do. If I am annoyed as a listener, I only make it worse and the other tries even harder.

Accepting and loving is the key. My attitude towards the other makes such a difference! She/he feels it when I'm annoyed and is even more insecure. Tries to justify or explain him-/herself. But if I offer security, tell myself that it's ok the way the other person is and accept her/him, then my counterpart relaxes immediately.


Fear or pride make us do or say stupid things.

We are often afraid of making mistakes. We fear of not being loved or not to belong.

Fear enslaves us and paralyzes us. (Even if sometimes it doesn't paralyze speech. Rather the brain.)

The cure for anxiety?


And pride? I know something! I have to justify myself! I have to prove something!

Love is probably the best antidote there as well. At least that's how God deals with my fear and pride. He loves me.

His love gives me security, peace and tranquility. I don't have to prove to him that I'm lovable. He loves me more than I love my children. And I will always love them, no matter what they do.

He sees behind my fear and pride. Because that's not what I am.

God dwells in me. I am his beloved child. The exhausting thing about me is a façade.

And it's the same with my brothers and sisters. They are not exhausting people but beloved siblings from the same father.

Love heals. This seems to be happening in parallel on different levels. God loves me and heals my heart. And by loving others, my heart also heals. I see my faults in others. And suddenly I empathize. (Maybe I'll become a pastor after all?)


We often try too hard.

And concentrate on ourselves, our strength and our fear. Instead of God's love for us.

God wants to release us of the pressure and give us a free life. A life in his shalom.

I want to try to love especially those who annoy me. That includes me!

"Love your neighbor as yourself" is slowly making more sense.

If I don't love my neighbor, I don't actually love myself.



Instead of redoubling our own efforts,

we simply embrace what the Spirit ist doing in us. 

Romans 8:4