Yesterday in Hebrew class at the University, a smart-alec student (no, not me) commented that there are no good people. We were just learning how to form the adjective with the word good: "good daughter, good daughters, a good daughter, ect." "There are no good daughters", my colleague from South America said, "No one is good but the Lord." She always takes it very seriously. Is that annoying or funny? The professor countered with Genesis: "And God created man and called them very good!" She immediately shot back: "That was before the Fall." There is no arguing with this woman. We laughed. Unfortunately, it only occurred to me on the way home that this is the very reason why we celebrate Christmas: Jesus came  so that we can be good again! He is the Messiah, the sent Savior. He makes everything good again. He makes me good! I can be a good person, a good daughter, because Jesus died for me and the Holy Spirit lives in me. I'm good, even if I'm not good.

How often do we pore over what is not good about us. We are annoyed about things we did or did not say. But I don't want to stick with these negative thoughts anymore. I want to be reconciled with myself. Accept my weaknesses, like the weaknesses of a good friend. Yes, my fellow student is even more sassy than I am. But I like her anyway. Since I know that you are often bothered by the same faults in others that you have yourself, I´ve become more merciful. With others and myself. And yet there are still topics on which I have too strong an opinion without reflection. Where I am too radical. For example I am pretty aggressive against smoking and alcohol. Maybe it's due to observations from childhood. But there are topics where I have a strong opinion, without having dealt sufficiently with the consequences. "Ban cigarettes and alcohol!" Super fast solution! But would that work? Sometimes I like tight rules because they're simple. Sometimes I would be a good fit for the Pharisees. Chop, chop, that's how it is, no discussion! But Jesus questioned the hypocrisy and consistency of the Pharisees more than once. He sees the whole person. He sees the heart. And I'm glad he's doing that with ME. If I'm wrong, I'm glad he understands the circumstances that led to this. He knows my story and is gracious to me. He sees the good in me. But I experience generosity and the next moment I am stingy with others. Like the servant who has been forgiven a great debt, but who himself hard-heartedly demands every penny back from his colleagues. I take mercy for myself and demand justice for others. Not always of course. But there are such things like blind spots in our thinking and in our morality.

There is still so much to learn. My faith is developing. It´s not static. Sometimes I wonder how many believes already have been wrong in my life. About me. About others. About church. About God. About life.

I definitely don't have as many simple answers anymore as I did have in the past.


Real wisdom, God´s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others.

It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings... treating others with dignity and honor.

James 3:17 MB