When going on a walk along the creek nearby, I see many beautiful houses. Some with a pool and a large garden. Maybe also with a Tesla in the garage. You could get jealous!

But I don't want to swap! Usually, things come at a price. I prefer to live modestly. I don't need much to be happy. And you would get used to a large house quickly and it makes a lot of work anyway. It's the relationships that count. First and foremost, my relationship with God. If I am strongly connected with him, in step with him, I will be happy. I know I'm in the right place and I'm excited to see what's to come. I try to see my world with God´s eyes. Try to see things from his perspective. And then, when I am close to God, I can love others. I often pray that God will show me how. And also when. What's in it now? How can I be of help? Without it being unnatural or complicated?

I often miss a good opportunity to love. That´s sad. But new chances are coming! It's like collecting hearts in one of those computer games – there will always be new opportunities, even if I've skipped a heart! This is very soothing. Especially as a mom.


The only one who really doesn't miss a chance to love us is God!

The love of God is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, says Romans 5:5.

The Holy Spirit as a jug of water pouring God's love into our hearts until it overflows.

This is extravagant love! And yet not exclusive. All the love for everyone. God does not need to divide or split it. He loves me with all of his love.

Is it possible to take that in?!



We can´t round up enough containers to hold everything

God generously pours into our lives

through the Holy Spirit!

Romans 5:5