I had a conversation with a lady recently who claimed that the protection of the environment is all nonsense, because the one who has the climate in his hands is, after all, God. Phew. That blew me away. Of course, God has the last word! But it was such a loveless statement.

True, we don´t need to live in a state of panic because the world is ending. It will perish anyway! God has everything in his hands. He has a plan. Even a planet B! (The Bible says that he will create a new earth and a new heaven. And that we will be part of it, too!)

So, no need to panic and just live on as before?

I don't think that's just. God has entrusted us with this beautiful planet. We bear responsibility for this world. It is a gift. And we should deal with this reverently and not exploit and destroy it. I want to take responsibility for the environment with my personal behavior. Not because I can save the world. But because I love God's creation. The trees, the animals, the people, the sea. If I only care for my comfort, others will suffer. Careless use of resources has an impact on people in poor countries. Everything has an impact. Especially the waste of consumption and energy.

Garbage is transported abroad. Plastic pollutes the oceans. Rainforests get cut down. Children starve. Women are enslaved. These things are not just problems in other countries. We are a part of it, even if we don´t know it. How do I live? What do I buy? Our world is interconnected globally and we shouldn't bust our heads in the sand and pretend it's none of our business.


Here are some ecological things I do for loving the world:

-Minimalism (Decluttering reduces the desire for consumption!)

-Eating less or no meat (The meat eaters in our family get organic meat once a week.)

(Did you know that meat production has the worst impact on our climate?)

-Buying food from local farmers (We are part of a solidarity farming project in our neighborhood) and the bulk store

-No plastic packaging, if possible (I prefer paper or unpackaged, even if it is more expensive)

-Buying less finished products (Industrially manufactured food has a lot of packaging and travelled a lot.)

-Taking fabric bags with me when doing grocery shopping.

-Baking my own bread more often.

-Using empty jam jars instead of Tupperware.

-Taking tap water in a glass or stainless-steel bottle with me.

-Using a water filtering system in countries where you can´t drink tap water unfiltered (instead of buying plastic bottles.) I take mine with me when going on a holiday.

-Buying second hand (clothes, sports equipment, household goods)

-Saving electricity. (For us this means: Only turning on the hot water boiler in the kitchen when needed. Hanging the laundry to dry instead of using the tumble dryer.)

-Producing my own cosmetics (deodorant, shampoo, cleaning agent)

-Buying only recycled toilet paper and handkerchiefs. Using fabric towels instead of paper towels. (Wood is not a disposable product! Save some trees!)

-Mowing our lawn only twice a year (better for all insects, not just bees).


There are other things one can do or things I don´t know yet, for sure.

But maybe there is something new to you that you want to try?

Everyone has a few things that he/she has always done well anyway. But there are other things we just keep on doing without reflecting on it. I checked it relatively late that our toilet paper was made of wood, instead of recycled paper. (The recycled toilet paper from Aldi, for example, is not as pretty as the old one, but it feels good! ;)) And until recently, the boiler in the kitchen was on all the time. (Who needs hot water around the clock? I only need it after cooking!)

Saving electricity is a hot topic at the moment. Not only because it saves us money, but above all because it supports Ukraine. The electricity I don't use can be used elsewhere and Europe will need less gas (even if my electricity is actually produced with hydropower, but it's all connected!) ... and of course saving energy is always good for the climate. For our air. For the people in southern countries.

God wants us to be polite and considerate of each other, not just look after number one.

I think environmental protection is part of it.



God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature.

So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, 

And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of the earth." 

Genesis 1:26


"This is (what I want you to do):

to break the chains of injustice,

get rid of exploitation in the workplace,

free the opressed,

cancel debts.

What I´m interested in seeing you do is:

sharing your food with the hungry,

inviting the homeless poor into your homes,

putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,

being available to your own families.

Do this and the lights will turn on,

and your lives will turn around at once.

Isaiah 58:6-7