A lot of things take quite some time to bear fruit. My first book, for example! Even as a child I dreamed of becoming an author. I´ve already finished writing a novel for adults some years ago before I started writing my children's novel in autumn 2019. And now, after all the little steps it takes after writing, it's finally done! My first book was published by Francke on June 1st!

I love reading good novels for kids. Classics such as "Narnia" and "The Penderwicks" and books by Erich Kästner and Astrid Lindgren. But also new books. I often prefer children's books to books for adults. Maybe that's why I ended up here? My first plan was to write a spiritual novel for adults... But who knows what's yet to come! Nothing is impossible with God!

If you also have a dream, something you would love to do (just like I always wanted to write a book), dare going in that direction! Of course it's hard. But most good things in life take strength and effort. How many times have I wanted to avoid writing! But my plan was to write 1000 words a day for at least three times a week. In the beginning, it wasn't that easy. There is always something else you could do, and the temptation is great to do any easy core instead of finally starting to write. Until I practically locked myself in the bedroom and forced myself to stay at my desk till it´s done! To start is the hardest thing every day. Once the first sentence is on the page, it's fun. But before that! Doubts rise before the blank screen, and I think I have nothing to say. And yet it is a gift God has given me. I discover things when I write. Sometimes I´m even surprised myself when my story takes a new turn and people appear I didn't expect at all. That´s fun!

After the 1000 words, I often rewarded myself with a YouTube video (this is also a dangerous distraction if you want to work on the computer). But then I didn´t need any reward because reaching the goal of the day has already made so happy! I learned a lot in this writing process. And also now with marketing and selling my book (although I have a publisher). Making money with it was not the goal. But it is the first time I can earn some money with my writing. I enjoy writing, I need to write. And I'm happy when others benefit from it. When they enjoy reading it. When God blesses me and then others through me. This is what makes my heart happy: experiencing God's loving presence in being creative and sharing it with others. And there are so many ways God can do this! I love it when my kids try out new things and enjoy it. And I never want to stop being curious and willing to learn. Try out new instruments. Learn new languages. Try new sports. Dare to go on stage and give a concert. Meeting people I would normally not. Marveling and being open to what God gives. Being open for change and new experiences. Life is much bigger and full of secrets. And once we've achieved a goal, we don't have to worry that was all. There's so much more! God's love and adventures are infinite. In this life and even more so in the next! 



"He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing." Ephesians 2:10


"God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagnine or guess or request in your wildes dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." Ephesians 3:20