I recently answered a few questions about how I envision my life in five years. Which person would I like to be? What would I like to achieve? Which experiences have made? What longings could stand behind my desires? What has God put into me? What do I enjoy? How do I serve others? Some of my longings are just to making me happy: I like being by the sea and in the forest because I can meet God in a very special way there and feel whole and free.

Other longings show my mission, my gift to the world. I want to translate God's Word into everyday life. Proclaim his grace, forgiveness, and love. I want to shine and be brave, motivate and encourage others. Share God's grace with my life.

A lot of things can happen in five years. Books get written, journeys are made, kids grow up and leave home. What person will I be? I want to never stop learning and growing and being changed by God´s love. I would love it if I already was a wise, kind and friendly woman in 5 years! Someone who spills grace. I want to see and praise and promote what is good. Lovingly ignore what is not so good. Like it is in a positive upbringing. That's how I would like to deal with myself and with others. I want to reinforce my children, my husband, my neighbors, my friends, the people in my church... in a positive way. Far too often I focused on what was not ideal. "That could be done even better!" You can always find something. But this optimization is exhausting!

I want to change that. God isn´t searching for our mistakes either. He is pleased with our progress! "Look! Tonight she was a really good listener and celebrated her friend's success without envy! She's growing!"

God lets us try things and doesn't make a drama out of our failings. What´s the worst thing that could happen? Nothing can separate us from God's love!

Relax! Don't focus on your failures! Simply live! Embrace what God is doing for you!  Don't be afraid to fail! I am by your side!



Fear less, hope more. Eat less, chew more. Complain less, breathe more.

Talk less, say more. Hate less, love more. And all good things will be yours.

Swedish proverb



But he´s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women.

It´s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love,

And don´t take yourself too seriously - take God seriously.

Micah 6,8


Live generously and graciously toward others,

the way God lives toward you. 

Matthew 5,48