"God, your God, has blessed you in everything you have done. He has guarded you in your travels through this immense wilderness. For forty years now, God, your God, has been right here with you. You haven´t lacked one thing." Deuteronomy 2, 7


This weekend we were finally in the Wachau again. For more than half a year now we haven´t left home! I know we aren´t the only ones. But it was so good to be on the road again, to leave our own state and the mountains again and to explore new and old places. To see my old home again, which I find much more beautiful now than before. Narrow streets, old houses, an old castle on the mountain next to the Danube. God has already been with me in my childhood and protected me back then. Especially during some dangerous adventures with my brother while climbing and swimming. Sometimes I used to be impatient and dissatisfied and finally wanted to grow up. But now I see that I haven´t lacked one thing. And I am so glad that God has been right there with me for over 40 years now.

When we go on trips like that as a family and visit family and friends, I often feel like I'm in a dream. I observe and watch, we talk, play and discover. I often don't come to think and reflect about it at all, because there is no time to do so. But it's ok. God is there with me. Even if In all the hustle and bustle I often don't really sense my own self. God is there. He leads me through the wilderness. He is my safe castle and my safe haven. Even when I'm on the road. Even if I feel insecure or leave my comfort zone. God is there.


ruin castle of Dürnstein, Austria
ruin castle of Dürnstein, Austria
view from the castle Dürnstein
view from the castle Dürnstein


Everything I need and hope comes from God. 

He´s solid rock under my feet,

breathing room for my soul,

an impregnable castle.

God is my safe harbor.

I trust in him.

(from Psalm 62)