From my desk I see a dried-up flowerpot from last year on the terrace. The actual plant is frozen and the stem is cut off. And now suddenly a beautiful purple flower has risen, all by itself! And next to it I see a green shoot from another plant, I'm curious what kind this one will be! It's good that I haven't disposed the earth yet. The flower looks really pretty.  A small gift from God!

Sometimes the original plan doesn´t work, and suddenly God gives blessings elsewhere than hoped. At the edge of the flowerpot.

I want to accept God's surprises gratefully and be open to new things! There is a risk that we have such accurate ideas about our lives (and the lives of our children) that we are too stiff on it. Too goal-oriented. The view is too rigid and narrow. I want to adapt to God's plans. Be guidable and flexible.

My first novel did not convince any publisher, even though it was written with a lot of passion. Out of a desire to write and as a practical experiment, I wrote a children's novel next. I  didn't  expect it, but the first publisher, my preferred one, agreed to publish it! I was happy when I got the news, but at the same time I was scared. Am I a children's author now? I wanted to write novels for adults.

I like to read children's novels. Even now. My favorite books are children's books. Perhaps there is a reason for this.

Now, for one, a flower has risen that does not grow in the middle of the pot, but at the edge. And I've already started with a second children's novel and I like writing it. I'm curious to see how the story goes on. (Both the book and the writing and publishing itself.) I'm not a professional, but I'm grateful to be able to live my childhood dream!

I feel like I am where God wants me to be with my writing. Also with this blog. I don't know what's going to happen, but God works. And adults are only grown children anyway.

I think it's great how Jesus spoke to people, so that everyone felt addressed. No matter how old. No matter how educated. No matter how religious. He told parables, stories, and everyone was able to take something from them. His words touched hearts and changed lives and still do so today. Words that come to life in our lives. Words that inspire us to search for our own stories in our lives, for God's traces in our everyday lives.

Writing helps me to look closely. So that I don't miss what He does.

Otherwise, I might have been happy about the purple flower in front of my window, but I wouldn't have thought about it like I did just now.



Plan B plant



God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him.

When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start.

Now I´m alert to God´s ways; I don´t take God for granted.

Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick.

I feel put back together, and I´m watching my step.

God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.

Psalms 18:20-24