Being in nature and outdoors in the forest has become more and more important for me in the last year. Recently, I spoke to a neighbor with young children who so misses going shopping with her friends and having coffee together at a café. And I understand that (it´s always harder with young kids) but I am glad that I do not miss this kind of entertainment. The lockdown also takes away things that I do not miss. Shopping is something I liked doing, but it stresses me and does not do me any good. Going into the forest is so good for me instead! Preferably up to the mountain nearby, the narrow forest path above the gorge, where the sun shines to and no one else rarely goes. I go alone or with Matthias and take in what I see. Look at the trees, touch the snow, the withered grasses, the fresh Erika, some bark or needles; hold my face into the sun, let my gaze wander into the valley below or look up to the majestic peaks with the bright blue sky behind. I live in a beautiful place! You only must fight your way uphill if you want to be in untouched nature, but it is always worth it! It is most beautiful to take the sled with you. Since I bought a professional old sled second hand, which has little weight and is easy to steer, it is so much fun to slide down the mountain road. It makes my heart laugh! It feels free and wild! I love being alive!

Yesterday, after sledding, I watched a YouTube video of a woman in the States who built a small cabin in the forest. This woman touched me deeply and inspired me in her vitality, independence, joy, and creativity. Her appearance alone awakened the cowgirl in me: two long braids, feather earrings, a cowboy hat, Norwegian sweater, jeans, Indian boots. This woman was older than me and she reminded me of how I am inside. I am a cowgirl, I only have adapted to my surroundings!

After that I searched a Bluegrass Gospel radio station on the Internet and saved it. Banjo and violin! Pure joy!

The favorite people in my life like jazz and samba. And I have always thought of this kind of music to be more sincere and educated and therefore tried to like it. But I am on Country! Jazz is also beautiful, but it annoys me over time and makes me nervous. That is why my family usually listens to music with headphones and I do not listen to any at all. But music is good! You just must figure out which one swings inside. Even if it is country!

How often do we adapt our style to other people? Bend us, dress up? (Although in my case it is my style that looks like a costume: there are no cowboys or Indians in this part of the world!) I want to have the courage to live out my personality, even if it looks like a costume to others. Maybe I am old enough now to have the guts!

The last sentence of the inspirational cowgirl in her late 50s was: „Don’t forget to go outside and be happy!"

Being outside, in the wilderness, just does well. That is where I feel alive and completely myself.

Why am I not my real self sometimes elsewhere? Jesus created me like no other. And he loves me just like I am.

We are often afraid of being different, but that is the only way we can give something to the world. The world must be colorful, full of originals. How many interesting personalities are hidden in my neighborhood? Often, it's just the crazy artists who stand out, and it's good that they exist to inspire and challenge us! What did God put in me? How does he want to make the world more colorful and beautiful through me? What makes me alive?

His love and his Spirit make me "wild and free"! Wild in the meaning of untamed and unadapted. I do not want to go with the flow and take part in every social trend without reflction, even the Christian ones. I want to look at Jesus, ask what he has for me, take my time to think and dream.

And today I have two braided braids, wear hanging earrings and my Norwegian sweater. Maybe I will even put a feather in my earrings? And finally learn to play the banjo? (I even have a banjo because my husband gave it to me as a present! I am grateful that he supports my wild side! Now all I have to do is start practicing!)


Don´t forget to go outside and be happy!


Let me run loose and free, celebrating God´s great work, every bone in my body laughing, singing, "God, there´s no one like you!" Psalm 35:9


Because of the Cross I have been set free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others and fitting into the little patterns that they dictate. It is not what you and I do, it´s what God is doing, and he is creating something totally new, a free life! Galatians 6:14


I spend hours in grateful reflection. Because you´ve always stood up for me, I´m free to run and play. Psalm 63:5