My husband and I do a yearly review. To do this, we take our calendars and diaries and go through the year chronologically and write special events on a sheet divided into several categories: each person of our family individually, we as a family together, we as a couple together, church, work.

Every year it is amazing to see what we can round up! Even in an exceptional year like the last. So many important things have happened. And so much reason to be grateful!

Our eldest daughter graduated, worked full-time for three months, and began her studies. Our son has had some difficult experiences, but he has grown as a result. In addition, he has already completed half of his driving licence training. Our youngest is clearly no longer a child and I am slowly learning to see and respect her as the competent person she is. We made many great trips as a family, even if this year no real holiday abroad was possible. We spent two days in a hut in the mountains, were in English camps, spent ten days in the northern part of Austria (where my sister lives), had a family weekend in a mountain town nearby; we made crime dinners and played games; were hiking, kayaking, sliding, skiing, cross-country skiing, and ice skating by the lake. We like to be in the forest, at any time of the year. Alone or together. There have been illnesses in the family and some of them still concern us. Matthias´ Dad is very ill. Thank God my Mum is doing better. My eye is stable but the visibility is limited. I am grateful for my blog and the church where I can share my thoughts and God challenges me to look closely, reflect and seek him. I am grateful for opportunities where I jumped over my shadow and grew. Now there are even messages from me on YouTube, on the channel of our church. I would never have had the courage to do that a few years ago!

In everyday life, you often lose sight of the big picture and you think that nothing important happens, that you just shuffle through life. Household, homeschooling, reading, walking. But there was so much more! Good deep encounters, even if they were short. Souls who have met and touched each other. Two special hours only with my sister alone. A phone call with my girlfriend in the States. A walk with a deep-thinking older girlfriend. Phone calls with Lisa.

We have also improved a lot in the apartment: a lot of things got reduced (furniture, objects), some added up (supplies!). I learned new things on the computer (both technically and in terms of content: there are many good lectures on YouTube. You just should not surf around...)

When we are done writing down everything that happened last year, we make some plans as well. Where would we like to go on holiday? What would we like to achieve or learn?

Although the last year has shown us that we do not know how it will really turn out. Holiday plans are nice, but a good year doesn't depend on it. There are surprises every year, good and bad. We make plans, but there's so much more to come. Who knows what the new year will bring in terms of surprises this time?

And what are good plans that I can make, goals that will advance me on my journey with God?

I will definitely continue to read in my Bible every morning. I would also like to listen to seminars or lectures on the Internet and take notes, preferably weekly. Read biographies that inspire me. Publish my first book. Go to the forest every other day. Take time every week for a good phone call with a friend. And stay flexible with all plans and be open to surprises. Let me interrupt in my plans when someone needs help. Watch and listen how my family is doing. Respond to what life puts in front of my feet.

Thank God the Holy Spirit helps me here! I have an attention problem where I can concentrate on individual things in such a way that I no longer really perceive other things around me. I have noticed many times how God gives me extra hints. He knows me and takes care of my being! He loves me the way I am and supports me. Helps ensure that important things happen at the right time and intertwine. And other things, nothing comes out of it because it is not the right time or thing.

I want to be led by God and ride on his wave of grace. Surf on the stream of his love.


Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Matthew 11:29


God does not respond to what we do; we respond to what God does. We´ve finally figured it out. Our lives get in step with God and all others by letting him set the pace, not by proudly or anxiously trying to run the parade. Romans 3:28



My new calender says: TODAY is my favorite day