„Put your mind on your life with God.

The way to life – to God! – is vigorous and requires your total attention.” Luke 13,24


“Pray… so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation.” 1.Timothy 2,3


I love sitting on my desk in the morning, looking through the underlined bible verses of the last days,

journaling and staring out of the window.



A free head. No pressure.

I go to the kitchen to make me some tea.

Jot down a gift idea.

Find a solution for a problem I wasn´t even thinking about right now.

Pray for friends and family who come to my mind.



What do you want to tell me Lord?

What can I learn? What do you want to show me?

You are so big and good. I am thankful.

Where can my life get in touch with eternity?

Where can I get in step with you? Adapt to your timing?

Where are you providing the right encounters at the right time?

And where can I step back and wait because it is just not the right time to act?

What is it, my heart speaks to me?

Is it ready to deal with one of the things on my todo list?

What´s my motivation?

I don´t want to do, to get it done. Don´t want the call see as work, don´t want to write the letter out of duty.

I want to be inspired by You.

I want myself be loved by you before I meddle into other people´s lives.  

I don´t need to be perfect. Don´t need to make everything right.

Sometimes you have to take the risk of being misunderstood.

But I want to be honest and loving. Real.

Stand by my mediocrity.

Stand by my humanity. I need Jesus. His salvation. His compassion. His love.

With Jesus I can go through this day relaxed. He gives me power and good ideas.

I am safe and secure in Him. No need to impress Him.

No stress with Jesus.

But unconditional love.

A love that empowers. That inspires. That makes my heart full.


Every now and then I have to pause and step back from my daily life

in order to remind my heart what´s really important, what it´s really all about,

and who´s the one having everything in his hand, including this little life of mine.

On mornings like this I breathe eternity and everything makes sense.

Then my focus is sharp on Jesus and my life gets in its right perspective.

I need mornings like this.

Need the bible more than I need all of my grocery stockings.

A bible meal every day. And sometimes a morning to chew and digest.

We forget so many things!

We have to eat regularly! Then or heart learns to trust and knows how it feels to be full

and how it feels to be hungry.

And where we do find nourishment for our heart.


“Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that´s where life starts.” Proverbs 4,23