Coming down off the mountain where he prayed all night before choosing his closest staff,

Jesus explains his followers what is good for them and what is not.

But it does sound sarcastic at first sight:


“You´re blessed when you´ve lost it all.

God´s kingdom is in the finding.

You´re blessed when you´re ravenously hungry.

Then you´re ready for the Messianic meal.

You´re blessed when the tears flow freely.

Joy comes with the morning.

Count yourself blessed every time someone cuts you down or throws you out,

every time someone smears or blackens your name to dirscredit me.

What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and that that person is uncomfortable.

You can be glad when that happens – skip like a lamb, if you like! – for even though they don´t like it, I do… and all heaven applauds.


But it´s trouble ahead if you think you have it made.

What you have is all you´ll ever get.

And it´s trouble ahead if you´re satisfied with yourself.

Your self will not satisfy you for long.

And it´s trouble ahead if you think life´s all fun and games.

There´s suffering to be met, and you´re going to meet it.

There´s trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them.

Popularity contest are not truth contest – look how many scoundrel preachers (and politicians) were approved by your ancestors!

Your task is to be true, not popular.”

(Luke 6, 17-26)


Wow. Jesus´ words do make an impact! Now as then.

What´s about instagram and youtube? Collecting likes and followers?

Being in and popular? Making photos and post what others want to see?

What´s about talking the truth although it may be painful and unpopular?

To fight for justice, speak up for refugees, the exploited and weak?

For a respectful interaction with our planet?

Even when it´s uncomfortable and we have to step down in our standards of living?

It´s not about the hip lifestyle.

If we want to live sustainable and just we have to relinquish and do without!


-Letting go of the things we can´t keep in order to find, what God has ready for us in his kingdom.

If I cling to my treasures I will end up less rich than if I had lost them.

-Being hungry for God´s truth and true love.

Let Him feed me, wait for his nourishment instead of gobbling in all the waste I can find.

Manna instead of fastfood.

-Not to hide my feelings but to be honest.

Cry when I feel like it. God provides true comfort and true joy.

-Not to look with pride on what I did accomplish.

Not even concerning minimalism or letting go.

But to look at Jesus and what He does.

And be a part of something really big!

-And if I am satisfied with myself it will not last long anyway.

Something is always to be improved, somebody does always have an even better idea.

It´s never enough.

Only Jesus satisfies my soul! Ever and ever again.

-We hope life is all fun and games. And it´s ok to strive for that in a vacation.

But fun is not our goal in life.

Sports, parties, journeys, luxury…The attempt is all around us.

And yet everybody has to face suffering.

We can´t just run away from it.

Suffering is grace.

What superficial individuals would we be without suffering?

How could we ever grow?

Even plants have to learn to live with wind and drought in order to get strong.

I think suffering has a positive effect on our souls, prepares us for our future job in God´s heavenly kingdom.

Although we can not really understand and accept that...


Blessed are the poor, the hungry, the sad.

In which parts of my life am I poor, hungry or sad?


Jesus wants to make me rich, full and happy, no matter how my circumstances are!


“God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” (Ephesians 3, 20)