I´m so thankful. Just because. 

For my life, the sun, the summer, my dear, funny husband, my friendly, wise, openminded kids,…

(adjectives are a complicated thing. How do you describe the people you love?!

Nothing comes close to how they really are, no word truly fits and you would need so many of them in order to only describe half of who they are and what they really mean to me!

I have a "nice" husband is what I wanted to write first! Nice means all and nothing!

But mine is really nice! -Those of you who know him. know what I mean!

I read in a book with writing tips once that you should use adjectives rarely in a novel… I think that might be true!)


Anyhow: I am happy!

I do realise that most while reading my bible.

When I read from God´s love and am touched by his words.

When I realize that God does not only love me a little bit, but totally and that he spoils me with his affection!

Which does not mean, that my life is all I dreamed and hoped for .

I do make silly mistakes. My right eye has a blurry vision. I don´t earn any money.

But God makes up for that!

-He doesn´t hold any grudge against me (and I am learning to be merciful to myself more and more as well!).

-He shows me beautiful woods, creeks and sunsets which make me totally forget that I don´t see that well!

-I don´t need a lot of money, because I like living minimalistic and a lot of the things I do need come to me Second Hand.

I have all that I need!

I´m even able to hand things over and am still finding more and more stuff we can reduce.

And this growing clearness in the kitchen and the living room increases the joy of living in this space.

What of my things is giving me joy? Or can I live without it?

Try it yourself, decluttering is a lot of fun!


A few days ago I  reorganized my drinking glasses in order to have an empty countertop.

(The countertop of my kitchen did have a lot of things in former days and diminished bit by bit: fruit is lying on a shelf, the toaster is in the kitchen cabinet as is my cookbook and my knives.)

And now I wanted to get rid of the glasses as well. (They were lined up next to the sink every day, according to the age in our family from left to right. That way you did not need to take a new glass every time you take a sip.)

Found a new place! On the shelf right above the sink! And the clean glasses that were parked there before had to go up into the display cabinet. And the display cabinet got declutterd…

Does anybody know, why I of all people, own six shot glasses?? And nine wine glasses?

I did keep the wine glasses on the top of the cabinet though, because we like to drink iced peach juice out of them when we do have a party. But shot glasses? We don´t even have something like Whiskey at home!

And then you thought, you already did a good job at decluttering your house!

But you do find something to get rid of again and again… And then there is more place and you feel liberated!


Because the drawer holding our china was too heavy and in danger of getting kaput, I counted the amount of plates we have.

And then I counted the amount of plates you can put into our dishwasher...

Now the drawer is unburdened!

And comparisons to your own life come automatically:

Where is it stuck? And is it simply because it is overloaded?

What can I leave out in order to feel better?


Allergies are of that kind too.

I did not know of my allergies against birches and stone fruits for a long time. I just happened to be sick a lot in spring and in the summer.

Since I know that I get a sore throat because of apricots, I just don´t eat them anymore!

Although they taste really good.

There are good things that are not good for me!

That´s true with materialistic things and with spiritual things as well. Not everyone reacts in the same way.

 I want to keep watch over my heart and not compare myself with others.


“Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.

Live creatively, friends!“ (Galatians 5, 25-6,1a)


Live full lives, full in the fullness of God!“ (Ephesians 3, 19)


My heart is overflowing with thankfulness and love. Now!

And my countertop is empty! :)