I have a lot of good plans. And yes, there is definitely progress in my life!

But I do stumble over my own heart again and again. Especially when there is pressure and stress in my life.

It´s always stress that gets us into trouble! Without stress everyone of us would be so much nicer and more relaxed. Not sweaty and uncomfortable in our own skin. We would make wise and well thought decisions. We would have time to take care of ourselves and of others. Would recognize the important things and not overlook them. Do slow cooking and slow shopping. Would be open for unexpected surprises and encounters.


What is it, that stresses us again and again? No matter if we are working, retired or even if we live on a mountain cabin all by ourselves?

We try to not get stressed so easily… but it does happen again and again. 


One reason for that lies in our personality.

For me for example it is stressful when I am with people a lot and don´t have time alone.

I fill up my batteries when I am alone and do some writing or reading. And yes, this blog is also a good and refreshing tool for me and the fact that I did not post anything last weekend because I had no time to write, shows that there was too much going on!

Now it is Monday and I really enjoy having the desk in our bedroom for myself!

There were a lot of nice things (and also some have to do things) going on last week and as a family you cannot plan everything so that it fits for me too. Things come your way and that is good and important. And God helps us in busy times. It doesn´t have to be easy all the time.

But a full week like this should be an exception. I want to take care of my heart and for that I need some time alone. And a good rhythm.


The other reason for stress is something I found in reading my bible some years ago and it comes to my mind frequently. It shows the reason for stress really good:

If you reduce stress to its roots there are only two sources: fear or pride.

You don´t believe me? Then listen to the following sentences:

I fear being late. I am afraid, I miss something (fomo: fear of missing out!). I fear to be left out, to be overseen, not to get what I deserve. I fear to be a disappointment, disappoint others,  not live up to their expectations…

I am too proud to ask for help. I can keep it together, can do it on my own. I don´t want to fail. Don´t want to admit my mistakes and weeknesses. Prefer to keep going till I burn out or get a heart attack.

You see, what I mean? Fear and pride are such strong motors in our lives.

We don´t want to end up as loosers.


Romans 3,29 + 31:

Our lives get in step with God and all others by letting him set the pace, not by proudly or anxiously trying to run the parade.

…by shifting our focus from what we do to what God does.


Letting God set the pace of my life and everything gets in cadence…

He knows, which pace is best for me...

God´s legs are so much longer than mine! And yet I should be able to keep in step with him?!

That idea seems impossible!

But yet here it says that it IS possible.

If I focus on Him.

If I focus on that what He is doing, not on what I do.

Not on focusing on my to do lists. But to focus on His wonders.

Like Peter, who was even able to walk on water (in step with Jesus!) as long as he focused on Him and not on the waves under his feet…


Stress-management à la bible: keep yours eyes on Jesus!

On what He is doing. In my life, in my family, my neighbourhood, my church, worldwide.

But not getting stressed from all the aboundance and possibilities I could or should do!

But to focus on what God does. Just to watch for a while…


For me that can mean to retreat even if there is a lot of cool stuff going on.

I may miss some good time with my family, fun things to do. But I can´t be everywhere.

I need time to retreat and recover. Be alone and write. Watch, what God does.


What could this mean for you?

Where do you need to overcome your fear or pride, in order to not be so stressed?

Where do you need to let go of good things that are blocking your sight to Jesus, keeping you too busy to get in touch with your own soul?








Summit adventure with my family.

No way did I want to miss that! :)